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tExtended launches Community of Practitioners

The tExtended project is pleased to announce the establishment of the tExtended Community of Practitioners (CoP) and would like to invite everyone interested to join it.

The CoP aims to foster interaction and facilitate knowledge sharing between stakeholders from different sectors and disciplines related to the circularity of textiles, to create synergies between different actors, promote tExtended project results and provide feedback on them, identify the most promising tools for adoption by end-users, and enhance market opportunities.

By joining the CoP, you will have the opportunity to engage in discussions, provide feedback and share best practices, exchange views and learn from partners, be informed about and participate in tExtended events (e.g., webinars and online workshops, network and collaborate with others who share an interest in the circularity of textiles, and receive updates about the latest developments in tExtended, as well as the tExtended newsletter (2 issues per year) by email.

The involvement in the CoP is completely voluntary. No compensation is provided for time spent or travel, and no travel is required. It is possible to withdraw from the CoP at any stage, and no confidential information will be requested or shared by tExtended.

Following this link, you will find the CoP registration page. Once your registration has been processed, you will receive a confirmation by email that you have been accepted to the community.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact tExtended Project Coordinator, Pirjo Heikkilä, Principal Scientist & Project Manager, D.Sc. (tech) at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, at:

Looking forward to having you on board!

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