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tExtended partner J. F. Almeida has attended the conference “Desafios e Caminhos para 2030”, a huge sustainability event in Porto, Portugal, focused on commitments and challenges about sustainability for the next decade, and how to incorporate them into decisions and value chains.

In attendance of the conference more than 500 people were present; the event has brought them the chance to meet with some of present and future leader companies of the sector, from small and medium-sized to large ones, and to learn about various international best practices.

The private sector is vital to achieving the international and European goals agreed for the 2020-30 decade, namely the Paris Climate Agreement, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the European Green Deal.

J. F. Almeida has given a presentation on yarn360, the yarn they produce with their internal textile waste. Their work in tExtended will help J. F. Almeida in developing new products and new ways to recycle and reintroduce textile chain as raw material.

You can find here the presentation from J. F. Almeida, starting at 6:43:20.

Taking further steps into commitment to sustainability, J. F. Almeida has signed the Climate Pact assembled by the municipality of Guimarães, the location where J. F. Almeida’s factories are present. The pact aims to target circularity and waste reduction by 2030.

To learn more about tExtended and the partners involved, see our About the Project and our Project Partners sections of the website.

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