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template - tExtended events participation (3)

tExtended partner VTT will attend the Processes4Planet Projects Forum on 20th September.

Organized by the P4Planet Partnership, the objective of the projects forum is to advertise and make known the current Processes4Planet projects, a total of 27 so far in 2021-2022. As such, the event will be open to ASPIRE members and outside stakeholders, which include project teams and consortia members, institutional stakeholders (European Institutions, Member States Institutions).

Moreover, the Projects Forum seeks to pave the way for the creation or enhancement of synergies between projects in order to maximize the impact created through the P4Planet Partnership and to contribute to its 3 ambitions of circularity, neutrality and competitiveness. Register for the event at your earliest convenience.

VTT will be part of panel 4: “Making it Happen”: How to accelerate the Progress To Large-Scale Deployment And Breakthrough Innovation?. VTT will also be present at the poster session to represent tExtended.

Read here to find a more detailed agenda and how to register.

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