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Hello and Welcome

Hello and welcome to the first issue of the #tExtended newsletter.

This newsletter will be published on LinkedIn every six months. It aims to share an overview of project developments, events and news, and give information on the next steps we are about to take.

Below are the tExtended project highlights dating back to the start of the project.  

tExtended has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No.101091575.

What’s new with tExtended?

tExtended Kick-Off meeting in Finland

At the start of January 2023 VTT hosted the project partners in Espoo, in Finland, for the project kick-off meeting. Here, the partners had the chance to give a detailed overview of the project’s key objectives and actions and discussed plans for the upcoming months.

The partners had been invited to visit the VTT Bioruukki Pilot Centre, an innovation platform for new bio-based products and circular economy solutions.

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tExtended partners visiting VTT Bioruukki Pilot Centre

The meeting has also been an occasion for the partner to get to know each other and network, preparing the cooperation for the next four years together.

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tExtended partners at the end of the Kick-Off Meeting

2nd Plenary Meeting in Portugal

In May the partners have met in Vila Nova de Famalicão, in Portugal, hosted by CITEVE, for the second Plenary Meeting.

The discussion has revolved around the developments of the project since the start, the ideation and planning of the upcoming activities together. During the meeting there has also been a Roundtable on Data Textile Supply Chains, a key topic for tExtended.

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tExtended partners at the end of the Second Plenary Meeting

Across the two-day meeting, the partners had the occasion of visiting the production centres of two partners, JFAlmeida and MTEX NS.

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tExtended partners visiting Têxteis J.F.Almeida, S.A.
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tExtended partners visiting MTEX NS

Launch of the tExtended website

At the end of February the tExtended website went officially live.

In the website the project objectives and methodology are described, alongside with the description of the 20 tExtended partners involved.

The website will be used to provide updates and news about the project, and to store publications and other material produced in the project.


In February tExtended has joined ECOSYSTEX, the new European Community of Practice for a Sustainable Textile Ecosystem, with a mission to accelerate collaboration in the textile sustainability and circularity field. Since then, we have met fellow projects through the Dissemination Webinars, and have started working together. In the upcoming months we will share more updates on the activities organized through ECOSYSTEX.

tExtended has also joined the Processes4Planet partnership, that aims to transform the European process industries to achieve circularity and overall climate neutrality at the EU level by 2050 while enhancing their global competitiveness.

We have joined the #ReFashionNow campaign, promoted by EU Environment and Climate, that raises awareness across Europe around sustainable fashion. tExtended figures as one of the actions that pioneering businesses, organisations, institutions and individuals are taking across Europe to turn the EU Textiles Strategy into reality:

tExtended – reducing textile waste by 80%

Related projects

tExtended has established contacts with our sister projects, two other HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01 -funded projects:


REDOL EU Project aims to transform cities into circularity hubs using solid urban waste (SUW). It will redesign 5 SUW value chains and produce 12 circular products. The project will establish industrial-urban symbiosis interactions and circularity hubs using digital tools. This approach will save 14B€ and 280 ktCO2/year, transforming 144.720 tons of SUW/year.

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As one of Europe’s biggest waste streams, the construction sector is expected to follow a circular journey in line with the European Green Deal. In this context, the EU-funded MOBICCON-PRO project aims to improve the recovery and recycling of construction and demolition waste (CDW) in South-East Europe. It combines physical solutions adapted to the ground (a mobile CDW treatment plant) with innovative selective separation and deconstruction technologies to scale up the treatment of CDW and the production of recycled construction materials. The project will also demonstrate sustainability and will pave the way for policy measures to improve the overall legislative framework of construction products.

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Upcoming project events

tExtended 3rd plenary meeting: November 2023, Spain (TBC)

Other events

ITMA: 8-14 June, Milan, Italy

Euro Nano Forum: 11-13 June, Lund, Sweden

Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress: 13-15 September, Dornbirn, Austria

European Researchers’ Night: 29 September, Europe-wide

A + A Düsseldorf 2023: 24-27 October, Düsseldorf, Germany

EcoFira: 14-16 November, Valencia, Spain

Thank you for reading. We look forward to the next update – remember to subscribe to this newsletter so you won’t miss it.

Team tExtended

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