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tExtended 1st workshop (2)

The tExtended project is delighted to invite you to attend its second Community webinar which will take place online, on March 13th, from 10am – 12pm CET.

Following the successful first workshop, where the programme was focused on an evaluation of textile waste utilization methods and the efforts towards the data sharing needs of the project, followed by an insight on the next steps for tExtended and an external presentation about the work done by HUMANA Slovakia.

This second webinar will build on the first experience, focusing on insights from the project research and developments delivered by experts working on tExtended, and presentations from experts working at the cutting edge of the field. Also in this second webinar, following the presentations, there will be the opportunity to participate in a facilitated Q&A session with the speakers.

Information and updates on the agenda will follow in the coming weeks. You can already register to the event following this link: tExtended second Community webinar

This event is organized as part of the activities for the tExtended Community of Practitioners: the enrolment is free, and it will keep you up-to-date with the future public tExtended events. You can register to the Community following this link: register to the tExtended Community of Practitioners

For any further questions on the event, please contact Claudia Esposito, Senior EU Project Manager, at:

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