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The tExtended partners are always on the lookout for interesting articles and stories about engaging and inspiring insights on the issue of textile waste and news on the solutions that are being developed.

Below you can find the articles and news that we have been reading in this month: 

Fashion Network: The rise of sustainable fashion: a shift in western consumer behavior Circular Fashion

Textile Learner: Water Consumption in Textile Processing Industry


Changing Markets Foundation: Synthetics Anonymous

Circular.: Clothes made from recycled plastic bottles ‘adding to fashion’s waste crisis’

Springer Nature: Circular Economy and Sustainability of the Clothing and Textile Industry

Family & Consumer Science: Exploring the perceptions and motivations of Gen Z and Millennials toward sustainable clothing

FashionUnited: Consumers want to shop sustainably, what are the opportunities for brands?

To learn more about tExtended and the partners involved, see our About the Project and our Project Partners sections of the website.

To stay up to date with all of tExtended’s progress, sign up for our newsletter, where the first issue will be published next month, and follow our social media channels on LinkedInTwitterInstagram, and Facebook.

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